Browsing: Letters

0 Art junkie

Dear Artist, Yesterday, Marilyn Bonnett of Ottawa, Canada, wrote to say, “Success as an artist to me is when you go to sleep your last thoughts are about creating. When you wake up in the morning your first thoughts are…

0 Workshop

Dear Artist, On Saturday and Sunday I conducted an acrylic workshop. Seventeen painters in all stages — eager, shiny faces at 10 a.m. — folks who could easily be doing something else. Artists come to workshops with different expectations. Some…

0 The mystery of motivation

Dear Artist, Yesterday, Ruth Merrow-Smith of Porte Gerin, France, wrote with the following puzzle: “We have been back from California, Venice and Cornwall for three weeks now. It was much deserved time off as my husband Julian had just finished…

0 Principles of pricing art

Dear Artist, Like politics and religion, it’s perhaps an indelicate subject, but somebody has to talk about it. How to price your work? How and when to raise your prices? What are the mysterious and peculiar principles behind the pricing…

0 Something to get on with

Dear Artist, When I was a boy my dad owned a sign shop. There were four employees: Nort, Mort, Phil and Bert. Each had their specialty — show cards, banners, silkscreen, illustration. It seems my dad was always walking around…

0 Success in art

Dear Artist, Hardly an hour goes by without an email that uses the word “success.” I’ve come to realize it means a lot of different things to different artists. Some consider simply feeling good about themselves to be the mark…

0 Die happy

Dear Artist, In 1960 Henry Miller wrote Paint as You Like and Die Happy. Noel Young, his publisher, gathered paintings from the far corners — watercolours, gouache, sketches, drawings — most of them gifted or bartered to his many friends.…

0 Optimize potential

Dear Artist, On the day of return from cruising in southern climes, I turned to the challenges presented by previous trips. The reference and ideas from more recent travels will bubble away in the holding tank. So I was back…

0 Sham

Dear Artist, When I was at the Los Angeles Art Center my friend Tom Bizzini used to say, “Fine art is a sham.” It was a popular sentiment around that workmanlike, survival-of-the-fittest, quality-counts school. In those days it seemed that…

0 Of Audubon and birds

Dear Artist, I’m laptopping you from a quiet nook in the garden of Audubon House, a small museum in Key West, Florida. In April of 1832, Audubon stayed in this house and counted nineteen species right here in this garden.…

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