Redfield, James
You have never read a book like this before — a book that comes along once in a lifetime to change lives forever.
In the rain forests of Peru, an ancient manuscript has been discovered. Within its pages are 9 key insights into life itself — insights each human being is predicted to grasp sequentially; one insight, then another, as we move toward a completely spiritual culture on Earth. Drawing on ancient wisdom, it tells you how to make connections among the events happening in your life right now and lets you see what is going to happen to you in the years to come. The story it tells is a gripping one of adventure and discovery, but it is also a guidebook that has the power to crystallize your perceptions of why you are where you are in life and to direct your steps with a new energy and optimism as you head into tomorrow.
“Describes how we take energies from our surroundings – that is why some places feel naturally calm or naturally wired. And as for passing energies from person to person, that has got to be true. It is self-evident. This book is an accessible vehicle for ideas.” — reviewed by Victoria.
“It really encourages you to look at yourself and how you see your life both its past present and future. It gives you insights on how to take a more positive and active approach to your life. This book can change your life if you let it.” — reviewed by Sammy.
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