Archived Comments
Enjoy the past comments below for Over the risky cliff…
“Et tu, Roberto?” Looks like this will be a year of cliffs.
Popped into my head as I looked over the first verbiage of your new calendar, an old Jewish proverb. “If you want to make god laugh, tell him your plans.” And, as for that little miner of the turf, he may affront our security of the perfectly manicured lawn, but his mission in life is but to remove the grubs and other unseen unwanteds that might do far more damage to our concepts of the artistically defined landscape. Give the little guy some credit, and some room. Just hangin over the edge, at the Hermitage. ~DMDear Mr. Genn, I am very touched and impressed by your words of wisdom and your generosity to share them with us. I live in a remote countryside in province of Québec and your letters keep me from being frivolous with my artwork. Merci! Bonne Année!
Robert, I cut and pasted your “Esoterica” and attributed it to you on my Facebook page. It is such wonderful advice… and I thank you for all the many years of letters I have been privileged to read twice weekly. Also, making our own mistakes, being the master of our own success, setting achievable goals in small increments… these are the cliffs we set for ourselves to resolve.
Even though I paint often, I have been struggling with painters block, knowing what I know at this point in my art life, and finding out I really know very little. I am setting aside what I know, and going to learn to play more, make those little baby steps you allude to in “set goals set short, achievable ones and give yourself a star when you complete. The short-goal habit is key to larger success and is at the root of human greatness. Life is think and do, think and do, think and do. Small steps can be greater than great leaps.” I am an upbeat person, and know I can do this! Thank you for your advice.This might be your best post ever. What a perfect collection of thoughts to ring in the new year with an open mind, an open heart and renewed vision. Thank you.
It seems “the end” didn’t come to us a second time. The world continues and the democratic system sustains to lumber on. Two cliffs were avoided last year, both of our making. It is ironic in a world that needs cooperation, the government that is suppose to lead us is in disarray here in the US, They seem to be the main factor pulling us apart. In my sixty eight years of life, I have never seen such a situation as we’ve seen these last months. Leadership is not just showing up and collecting a check or painting a painting for that matter. To be a leader demands more of an individual. Art teaches that if we do anything, we need to do it fully and to the best of our ability. Nothing less will do. It is a lesson that isn’t taught anymore with the loss of art in the schools. Winston Churchill was a painter. A good one at that and because of it, I believe a better statesman. Maybe some of us in politics should re-think art in the schools for future politicians.
I want to tell you how much I enjoy reading your letters. They give me joy, inspiration and motivation.
Because of your efforts & dedication, I want to be a better painter/artist, to be a better teacher and strive to be a better person. Thank you for all you give. All the best in 2013.We are all risk takers as soon as we pick up a brush. Just don’t be disappointed if the brush does not always want to work the first time. Set a goal and whip the brush in to shape!
The head sure doesn’t govern for my art path. I never trust intellect to be creative in art.
Also, Obama sure isn’t the president we all elected in ’08….they just passed a bill for unwarranted wire tapping and email surveillance of all citizens. And Obama gave a raise to Congress & the Senate. Not working for the American people, no matter how he talks.All your letters bring some valuable information to me and make my life as a person and as an artist richer. Your words are a source of inspiration and an example of what an artist can do to contribute to the well being of the world!
THANK YOU, ROBERT!Estimado Robert, aprecio de sobre manera tus cartas siempre llenas de sabiduría. Un muy feliz 2013!!
Big goals need to be broken down into small goals because small goals are easier to get your head around. Planning is important and the big picture needs to be kept in sight. Being an artist is like running a corporation.
The painting was finished on 1/3/2013.
Well, I must be really thick, because all I could see was what looked like A C A T L under the small bushes on the left, and 13. 0.0.0. 13 under the building on the right!
I guessed the last 13 might refer to 2013, and that Americans write the date back to front, with the month before the day (terribly confusing for the rest of us!), hence the first 13, but there still ain’t no 2! ;-) But then I’ve never been a numbers person…I think I see. “10” in the branches of the small single bush to the left of center in the very foreground of your painting. The “10” standing for “2010”.
Nice painting!Hey Robert,
I have seen several versions of this painting you executed in large format as well, so make a bold assumption; “ACTL” has something to do with the totum name or location and this particular painting was your “13”th rendering of the subject. Happy New Year, Frank Sant’AgataI am a numbers person and I date and number my thumbnail sketches in my sketchbook. That doesn’t indicate the order of completion though. I see 13 13 in the shadows beneath the building on the right. Could stand for January 3, 13. I also see ACATL in shadows beneath shrubery on the left. Not sure what that could mean.
Robert, I agree a numbering system is a great idea and it looks like you might have painted your 13,000 painting in the year 13. The ACATL might mean Artist’s Chronological Attribution for a Talented Lad. It seems numbered or not you don’t get ‘great’ at painting if you have only painted one painting. Cheers to 2013 and all the paintings to be counted in this new year.
Your code ?
Robert: You have mentioned some pretty neat numbering systems before — just can’t remember when. Could you re-post them?
I magnified your painting on my TV monitor and enjoyed looking at your use of colors – especially red – and brush work. Thanks for the lesson, I’m going to post photos of my paintings, to myself, to better analyze them.
did an enlargement of facing west
on a number look out quest under building on the right 13 is in the second arch came in sight then under the trees further right three zero’s? had fun did not matter wrong or right then further right still is another 13 to see is this correct or is it just me?Finding the numbers wasn’t difficult, but figuring out their meaning is a bit harder. 13 0. 0. 0. 13 seems to indicate you haven’t actually painted this one yet! However, the letters ACATL tell me you are using the Aztec calendar, especially since you refer to the Mayans’ disgraced one, so obviously you painted this piece on January 3, 2013. Right? I hope so, as I like feeling like the no. 1 ladies’ detective agent…thanks!
It’s true that Bob is very sneaky
But his literature is also leaky He gave a hint of when he did it And after that he sort of hid it
![]() Battery #2 acrylic painting, 11 x 14 inches by Richard Alm, Vancouver, BC, Canada |
Very beautiful painting !