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Enjoy the past comments below for The co-op spirit…
Lately I have been wondering whether it would be a good alternative in this little community to organize a monthly art auction! Not so much a co-op, but a gathering of art by member artists that can be attended on, say, a Saturday morning, in a day-rented building, where people can bid on art that has been assembled for viewing the day before. Even an amateur auction might work, and no one has to be particularly talented at hawking wares to show work to interested buyers who have come for that purpose. Have you, or others, ever tried such a venture? Susan Holland
At many large science fiction conventions, there are SF-themed art shows (a few are juried, but most are open). Each piece of art has a signup slip where attendees can register a bid, or buy it outright at a quick-sale price. Then they have a live auction the next day. This kind of thing might work in conjunction with a farmers market, home show or other good-sized gathering. You have to have a way or reason for potential buyers other than the artists to attend.
I was in a Co-op gallery of 25 artists in the late 70’s. It was exhausting, especially with a young family. We eventually ‘hired’ gallery sitters from AARP who were sweet, but had no sales experience. It quickly seemed to fall on the same shoulders to keep it running. The Co-op was in an excellent location attached to a performing art center, so we were open evenings of performances. During intermission, there were few sales, but the gallery seemed to be great place to hang out till the performance resumed. The NYS Arts Council was also in the same building – and they say location, location location…we gave it a shot for 3 years…
I had an experience similar to yours with the person whose checks started bouncing, but it has a happy ending. I am often paid in installments, but this one time, half way through, the checks started bouncing. The buyer was in financial trouble and very apologetic. I told her to enjoy the painting and pay me the remainder when she could. She tried a year or so later, but I told her to do so only if it was comfortable, and the check never arrived. I was slightly disappointed but was OK with that because I figured I had gotten what I would have if I had sold through a gallery. Five years later, she called me out of the blue and asked if I was still at the same address, and that she was about to mail me a cheque. She said fiercely I wasnt to talk her out of it! She said it meant a lot that I was so nice to her when everyone else was hounding her, that she loves the painting and is glad she can finally know its been paid in full. I got the cheque and we both ended up feeling good inside. I guess Im vain enough to figure that anyone who loves my paintings must be OK.
I live in Halifax, and am a member here of a co-op gallery. I also show at another, regular gallery. The co-op works pretty well overall. We are a collegial bunch, supporting each other and happy for each other to sell. When we are on duty, I know that enthusiasm for others’ work, particularly if the customer is interested in it, is real and helpful. One of my fellow artists sold a canvas of mine to some out of town folks by showing them all of mine in the shop, including one in the window they’d missed and the sale was made! So, co-op’s can work. That is not to say there have never been issues, but overall we have fun and are very supportive of one another. I guess it depends on the people involved. Most of us are very happy, in the competitive market here and it is very competitive!, to have a place to show and sell our work. We willingly take part in art promo events and other things. It is like one big happy family!
In this article you didn’t mention PayPal, which has been for me the best way to sell online. Like many artists, I don’t have credit card capability — my business is just too small to go into that. With PayPal I don’t have to wait for a check to arrive and then for it to clear. I sell only small, inexpensive work online, and so for it has worked out fine. I usually send off the pic right away, the customer pays right away. Should the customer not pay, I’m not sure what I’d do — I do think PayPal has a few options — crossing that bridge when it appears.
Your references to GREED here specifically related to forming of co-ops, might be tempered by this thought: where is the line (and how wide and vague is that line) between greed and ambition? Usually they are simultaneous and depend on the position of the observer. We praise one, and disdain the other. See how the words look and sound different, as does the facial expression while saying them.
Nineteen years ago, when I first came to Canada I was drawn into ART TEN – a co-op gallery in the Town & Country mall. My shift was Thursday nights. For that I got a space on the wall and a feature show every now and then. It worked exceptionally well. Sales were reasonable even then when the unemployment rate was 11%. The saving grace was the pottery — we put up tables and shelving in the middle of the kirk and those sales paid for the rent. Sales of paintings was gravy on top. It was well run, discipline was strong. I think Art 10 is still flourishing although I have since moved to Victoria. Hey, I might even start an equivalent Art 10 here of course with Nanaimo’s guidance and permission!
I belong to two local co-ops it used to be if you weren’t discovered by five years into your co-op your art was “crap”, but now a days with many high end galleries closing it’s actually a nice alternative, I get lots of sales and referrals to my studio I like co-ops and you learn quite a bit that you wouldn’t have.
I don’t know a soul who objects to honest profit in a business, be it art, a junkyard, or retail selling shoes or cars – that is not greed, that is capitalism at its finest. We all would be philanthropists if we had a decent living and enough excess to be generous … the only moral dilemma is profiting on others’ labor at the expense of a living wage and their quality of life. Apparently some are blanching at gallery commissions. I remember when I meekly submitted from a commission of 20 to 40, and I hear some are now at 60% … probably why so many of us have websites now. It is unseemly that marketing profits more than the artists’ labor, but it is what it is. It’s been a long time since I sold cars and real estate but the costs of operating a physical business are extremely high today. If the numbers work and the artists are happy with their representation and compensation, all is well. Co-ops sound really good at first blush and some work and others don’t. It depends on the individuals involved along with that nasty charactistic of human frailty – greed. And it may not even be monetary. It may be power, esteem, control, or just a contrary disposition. It’s been my observation the more personalities that are thrown into the mix the harder it is to serve all parties to their satisfaction. Everyone has an agenda – everyone, without exception. Even a co-op must be operated for a profit or it ends up costing someone too much, either in time or money. Otherwise, succumb and give your art away … personally, I think mine is worth more than that.
I joined a co-op gallery in NYC when I was just starting out in the 1970’s, and I found that it was of immeasurable help in understanding how commercial galleries work. You were responsible for accessing and utilising a mailing list, contacting printers and paying for your show card (offset, in those days!), hanging your own show, and providing all of the refreshments for the opening. In addition, you were expected to sit for your own show (or hire someone or get a friend) during it’s run, make sales, attend monthly meetings, and contribute labor to the upkeep of the gallery space. It was actually wonderful! Of course, the downside was usually financial. Joining a co-op usually means an initial downpayment/ entrance fee/ whatever/ that in the past was expensive (around $1000-1500) and is probably more so now, plus a monthly dues for the rent of the space. Many artists were able to recoup all of their costs with sales of their work during their one or two – person shows, but many were not so fortunate. In addition, co-operative galleries can be extremely selective and joining one these days is almost as hard as getting picked up by a commercial gallery from all recent reports. Also, it is rare that anyone is “discovered” at a co-op gallery- you still have to develop your portfolio and approach commercial galleries on your own. The upside is two-fold: You are exposed to the actual running of a gallery and get an appreciation of why you have to give commercial galleries a commission for the work you no longer have to do, and you get exposure in a market that is always highly selective wherever you live and are able to cultivate collectors that may stay with you as your work progresses. Some people will use co-op galleries as stepping stones to the world of commercial sales (as I have), but many others will find that the exposure provided, the sense of autonomy, and the good feeling of being in a group of like-minded artists fits them for the long term instead. The key is finding a co-op that has a sense of unity and history so that pettiness and competition (in a bad way) is avoided.
Have been a member of a co-op gallery in Halifax called Art1274 Hollis for 4 years now.It consists of 21 artists including 2 potters and a jeweler.We are very fortunate to have the compatibility and respect with 21 people who have come together to make this happen.Our sales are great and we are regarded as the gallery with personality. We each pay a small monthly fee plus 25% of sales goes back to the gallery to cover rent and other operating costs. It has provided us with a place to sell our work, hold shows and inspire one another. Work is divided and each member no matter how big or small the job helps out. With 21 bodies our schedule of shifts only works out to 1-2 days per month.I actually enjoy the shifts as you can connect with the customers and I often take my paints and get a few hours of painting in. Gallery is run as a business so decisions are made with “what is the best decision for the gallery” and not individual artists. Maybe we are just fortunate to have the members we have or perhaps we all realize the owning and running our own gallery does take work and dedication and to make it happen we all need to pitch in. For us it is working.
It looks to me like we are again in a transition. It’s not that capitalism is so bad, it’s just that power corrupts. There is little point on camping out to protest the big banks — the better thing to do is to stop dealing with them. Ditto credit cards — their ongoing interest balances keep people poor. We have entered an era where some big corporations and even small companies have become predatory. Any way that art can be distributed without huge markups is also worth thinking about, if not changing our modus operandi.
This was really of interest to me because Ive been considering trying to get into a coop gallery, or even trying to create one. LOVE the idea of commissioning the person who sells a piece. People sometimes miss the big picture in the world of sales. For example, when we were selling a house back in 1993, the market was slow. Our house was in a tract that was about 25 years old and the realtors were so depressed they were not even bothering to go to the open houses in our area. But wed done a lot of improvements that made our home special. So we decided to do a $1000 drawing for realtors and all they needed to do was to show up during open house hours that week, walk around the house with a questionnaire in their hands answering things like is there anything in this room that you believe would hinder someones interest in the property and at the end, do you have any homebuyers who are looking for a home in this price range. We got about a hundred agents that day, with all their suggestions (many which were excellent). After the drawing the winning agent ran back to the office crowing about how hed won $1000. Then he talked about our house. A couple of days later another agent from his office brought over homebuyers who did eventually buy OUR home. Since then Ive mentioned this to many people in need of selling in a tough market but they balk at the $1000 investment. Amazing. In the big picture, $1000 is nothing considering the house is a $300,000+ property. With coop galleries, sometimes they shortchange the lighting or display a big mistake because its all an investment in the sale of work. And if one piece is sold, often that identifies a future buyer too, because many people will get more than one work by a favorite artist. That sales-artist deserves a commission, for sure.
As a closet artist who has sold only a few paintings in a lifetime but strongly endorses populist endeavors, I find your cautions concerning community galleries valid and helpful, though sad. Even with the most altruistic intentions, the cream of the crop of artists floats inexorably to the top of sales, and is often then gobbled up by astute gallery owners. Perhaps that natural selection process is a valid reason to risk the other pitfalls of gallery communal management? Texas
An honest broker is needed in most transactions to offer the client an informed opinion of the positives and negatives that are inherent in any deal.
In the past 2 years I participated in 2 different co-op galleries. One was a wash in terms of expense versus sales; the other turned out to be akin to a minimum wage job. Many members thought it was good enough to just earn back expenses, but I was not one of them. The first co-op set up some great guidelines. However, there was little willingness to follow and no guts to enforce the guidelines, and things got sloppy, unprofessional and downright embarrassing. I held on by my fingernails to complete my one year commitment; my sigh of relief upon leaving might have been heard all the way to Canada! The second co-op was a 2 month commitment during the months of November and December. Our lease was not extended, no new digs were found, and since I only broke even during those high retail months, this suited me. Bottom line: a successful co-op needs artists of similar professionalism, self-discipline, vision, and business philosophies.
For the last 5 years or so, I’ve been a member of a co-op gallery – Artists Workshop Gallery in Hot Springs, Arkansas. We’ve been in existence continually since 1990. It’s a congenial group. There is some tension between the “old timers” and newer members, but we always seem to be able to work things out. We have a committee to jury in new artists. We charge a small commission and a manageable monthly fee. The absolutely greatest thing about Artists Workshop, from my point of view, is that we provide a way for new artists to show their work, and to get some satisfaction from selling their work, meeting other artists, contributing to the Gallery’s success, and talking with visitors about art. We are located in a tourist town, which helps immensely to keep us in the black, but I wish every region had a similar gallery for new and emerging artists to immerse themselves in the activity they love.
As an American college student who survived the 60s, and a military brat who survived her fathers explanation that Americans back then were fighting Communist aggression, Ive done much thinking about Communism, Socialism and Capitalism. Ive concluded that although Capitalism allows us to dream, encourages us to compete and leaves open our road to success, it has a major downfall. And that downfall is Greed. More than once, Ive referred to greed as the Achilles heel of Capitalism. The stories of Americas Wall Street bankers, Bernie Madoff and countless scores of others attest to this. Rich is never rich enough. As artists, we need to survive, but we need not let greed drive us to distraction. Schillers poem Ode to Joy, the final chorale of Beethovens Ninth Symphony, is about mans triumph over evil. I dont think brilliant works of art like Beethovens Ninth would have come into being had they not had the purest of motives behind them. Greed is evil. I realize Ive ventured away here from the subject of co-op galleries, but I feel strongly about what Ive said and am grateful for the opportunity to express my beliefs. Sorry, I usually agree with you.
I always thought Gordon Gekko was a nice little guy with sticky fingers
In my experience whether it is a co-op gallery or an art society that needs to man their gallery, the focus becomes more on the roster than the art. Australia
Can you imagine an artist’s union? Unions are in decline because the work their members provide is uneven. Every human being should have the right to negotiate his own deal himself. That’s why artists are for free enterprise.
Re co-ops/ In 1990 7 friends who happened to be artists- of varying ability – decided to rent a little house and turn it into Galerie Old Chelsea. We were not actually a CO-Op per say but all shared the expenses, divided the wall space between us -leaving some for non-member artists. When a partner’s painting sold – the artist collected all the payment. When a visiting artist’s painting sold – the artist paid a percentage to the Galerie. We did not charge for hanging their paintings. Rules – 1.only 7 partners (we were the Gang of Seven) shared time at the Galerie – along with some volunteers who loved to be there.. We also shared the expenses – and if there was a profit from the percentages paid by non member artists – it was shared among the members. 2. A general meeting once a month and the whole Galerie idea had to be fun – or no point in being involved, Members have come and gone. Maximum still 7 (with numerous volunteers.) Does not depend on grants. – just a small group of artists enjoying their work and passing their joy on to the visitors who drop in to admire (and often to buy). We (the founders) feel that keeping the nucleus small is one of the things that has brought success to the Galerie. It is easier for a small group to be in agreement with each other. Galerie Old Chelsea is now 21 years old (young). Moiya Wright – founding member (now retired)
I like your idea of carving a percentage of sale to the volunteering artist in the co-op gallery. Wise approach. I think greed though is an international trait: it’s no capitalistic invention, no by-product of socialism (I am from Soviet Union originally). It’s a human nature.
“Further, when collectors encounter artists who appear to be “too smart” in the ways of value, investment, and even aesthetics, they may catch the Noon Balloon for Rangoon.” — just curious why you say this Robert? (smile) I assume it’s not about competency in the work itself, but something else… ; an attitude? or do you think our patrons are intimidated?

![]() Troubled Waters mosaic, 17 x 21 inches by Ilona Brustad, MI, USA |
Love your colors,reflections,shadows. It all works so well.