Browsing: Letters

0 The subconscious eye

Dear Artist, Our eyes move toward those things already on our minds. A man passionate about model railroading, for example, is likely to look at a painting of a locomotive. But deeper cues move our eyes. Some of these stimulants…

0 Painting for sale?

Dear Artist, Yesterday, I received an email from Bill Brown: “Am Bill i want to know if u carry Painting For Sale? if i have not mention the size can tell me one u have now ready to sell? Any…

0 Glazing keys

Dear Artist, Glazing is a technique where a transparent, usually darker, tone is washed over previously painted and dried passages. While primarily an acrylic technique, glazing can also be used in oils and watercolours. A glaze is applied with a…

0 Eyes over the border

Dear Artist, Now that it’s finally over we can talk about it. Believe me, Canadians were paying attention, and now that it’s a done deal there’s a bit of street dancing up here. But, goodness knows, Barack Obama’s got a…

0 The abusive father

Dear Artist, Lately there has been a pileup of emails asking for ideas in dealing with abusive fathers, spouses, and other family members. Writers report stymied growth, inability to concentrate, trust and authority-figure issues, fear, depression, anger and other unpleasantries.…

1 Thoughts on teaching

Dear Artist, In the incredibly dark and grubby Odessa airport, waiting for the short flight to Kiev, I find a crumpled copy of the English-language Herald Tribune. While most of its words appear well used by previous travellers, there’s an…

0 What success?

Dear Artist, While wandering around in Romania I inadvertently hit on some Wi-Fi and noticed what Ron Wilson had asked in the live comments: “I guess I know the answer to this, but do successful artists pretty well sell everything…

0 The world of icons

Dear Artist, Every Bulgarian Orthodox church has an iconostasis spanning its center and holding up to six tiers of icons. The top row — the deesis — has an image of Christ in the center. These Christ figures are often…

0 Among the whirling dervishes

Dear Artist, In dark light, a dozen musicians mysteriously appear wearing long black cloaks and tall, earthen-coloured hats. They begin an undulating, repetitious, trance-like melody. After some considerable time, five more similarly-attired characters arrive and slowly circle in formalized steps,…

0 Lessons from a Turkish market

Dear Artist, In Istanbul the great marketplace is jammed. Arm in arm the shoppers come, jostled, impeded and pressed forward by the throng. Noisy and competitive, it’s a fluid masterpiece of diversity and the side-by-side offering of similar products and…

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