Browsing: Letters

0 Staffage

Dear Artist, “Staffage” is a historical term for placing people and animals into landscapes. Like many time-worn conventions, there’s more to it than meets the eye. The population of pictures — mainly views, architectural subjects, natural wonders and other general…

0 Shibui

Dear Artist, Shibui is a broad term that can mean irregularity of form, openness to nature, roughness of texture, and the naturalness of daily life. Also known as Shibusa, it refers as well to the Japanese “Seven aspects of being”…

0 Johanna van Gogh

Dear Artist, Vincent van Gogh died in 1890. Theo van Gogh, art dealer and brother of Vincent, died six months later, in 1891. Johanna, Theo’s wife, inherited all the shop remainders including virtually all of Vincent’s work. She soon moved…

0 Overworked

Dear Artist, Yesterday, Rich Woy of Ocala, Florida asked, “How do you know when a painting is overworked? Are there boundaries or clues? Is this judgment left to the artist or the critic?” Thanks, Rich. Good question. Funnily, at dinner last…

0 Heuristic painting

Dear Artist, Heuristic (pronounced hyu-RIS-tik) comes from the Greek heuriskein meaning “to discover.” The heuristic process means achieving some desired result by intelligent guesswork rather than by systematic formula. Generally used in the fields of invention, computer science, psychology and…

0 Mickey Mouse Bill

Dear Artist, The principle of post-monetization says that nothing is worth anything until somebody wants it. Those of us who make art for a living essentially operate — outside of commissioned work — on this principle. We make the stuff…

0 Kalopsia

Dear Artist, Christopher Foyle, British owner of Foyle’s Bookshops, has recently published Foyle’s Philavery: A Treasury of Unusual Words. In it he defines arcane English words currently dropped or seldom used. Among them “Dentiloquy” (speaking through clenched teeth) and “Latrability”…

0 Fun with kids

Dear Artist, Yesterday I went to a local elementary school — grades one to seven. I set up in the library, and two classes at a time came in to watch me paint and hear what I had to say.…

0 Voluntary graduation

Dear Artist, Yesterday Leslie Kimball of Tehachapi, CA wrote, “I paint with a bunch of wonderful women. We are a tight group, no envy, etc., but I have begun to understand my needs better. I need more but I’m afraid to…

0 Design and character

Dear Artist, Yesterday Kerry Waghorn dropped by for lunch and a visit. Kerry is one of the world’s top caricaturists — his work syndicated in more than 400 newspapers, books and other publications. You’re probably familiar with his remarkable drawings…

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