Dear Artist, On the 28th of March of this year I wrote a letter asking about the effectiveness of selling art directly on the web. If you didn’t see the results of this survey please go to http://painterskeys.com/art-web. Since that…
Dear Artist, On the 28th of March of this year I wrote a letter asking about the effectiveness of selling art directly on the web. If you didn’t see the results of this survey please go to http://painterskeys.com/art-web. Since that…
Dear Artist, At this time of year in many countries people are wondering what to give and what they would like to receive. I’ve conducted a little poll among my immediate artist friends to get a few ideas and a…
Dear Artist, Several times I’ve been back to a place in southern France — an old farm-home converted into self-contained suites. “Mas Peychonnier,” with a commanding view and under the eye of a mysterious Cathar castle, presides over its grapefields.…
Dear Artist, Jean-Baptiste Camille Corot, on his deathbed in 1875, said, “I hope with all my heart there will be painting in heaven.” Today in this medieval town of Carcassonne (Aude, France) I’m wondering if there’s to be painting in…
Dear Artist, There’s a hilly path through chestnut plantations and bosky woods for six kilometers between Galaroza and Fuenteheredos. I don’t expect anyone to know where that is — nor does it matter. This time of year the trees are…
Dear Artist, Spaniards are particularly hostile to photography in Public Art Galleries. This is unfortunate because some of the more interesting Murillos aren’t in the books. I love details of the paintings I love. That’s how I came to invent…
Dear Artist, One of the joys of being an artist is to be able to give some of our best efforts back to the community that has supported and encouraged us. It’s an honor and a privilege that our works…
Dear Artist, My friend Joe Blodgett says, “There’s two ways to walk this path — one for the path and one for the spirit.” It’s a cathedral of Douglas fir and alder, blown twigs from the night’s storm, a carpet…
Dear Artist, Toulouse-Lautrec remarked, “A professional model is like a stuffed owl. These girls are alive.” He was referring to the women in the brothel. He had a point. A pose, while worthwhile for its own sake, is also static.…
Dear Artist, A friend asked me to help him with a painting. He had laboured over sketches depicting a saucer-like ship with a metal causeway disgorging green aliens on a petrified human population. It was the humans that were giving…