Browsing: Letters

0 The sacred space

Dear Artist, Recently, Eveleen Power of Dungarvan, Waterford, Eire, wrote, “I now have two art studios — one next to our home and a new one in town with nine other artists. How lucky I am. But I don’t know…

0 The joyous mind

Dear Artist, Michelle Renaud is a young painter living in Calgary, Alberta. With a loving and expressive personality, she paints semi-abstract acrylics which she describes as reflecting her feelings. From a very young age, Michelle drew circles — she describes…

0 Monument

Dear Artist, Nearby where I live is Redwood Park. Above the Hazelmere Valley, these originally clear-cut 80 acres were owned by deaf twins, David and Peter Brown. Around 1893, when they were in their early 20s, the brothers started planting…

0 Colour choice and adjustment

Dear Artist, Some painters nail the exact colour they need on the first go. I’m not one of them. In my experience, 90% share my problem. Colours change as the colours change around them — and you can’t know the…

0 Slow down to speed up

Dear Artist, It’s warm and muggy beside this froggy pond. I’m the shiny guy wearing the Deep Forest Off. Nearby, an Oregon towhee rummages in the undergrowth. In the distance, a barred owl is being harassed by resident robins. With…

0 Out of the blue

Dear Artist, Near the lodge in the late afternoon, I wandered to a hemlock bower on a secluded point. Pockets of multi-coloured needles lay between grey-green pillows of moss. The inlet was a silent diorama and rainbow lights shone on…

0 Rocky shores

Dear Artist, I’m laptopping you from a 27-foot sport-fishing boat near the mouth of Quatsino Sound on the Pacific side of Vancouver Island, B.C., Canada. Right now we’re being slammed around in 10-foot swells while a moderate Southeaster whistles foam…

0 Managing delay

Dear Artist, Frank Partnoy in his book, Wait: The Art and Science of Delay, tells us that procrastination is a winning formula. The idea that procrastination is evil came along with the Protestant work ethic and the Puritanical era, he…

0 In praise of sleep

Dear Artist, After a week of wildness and goofing off while at art school, I stayed up for 48 hours to complete a particularly tough assignment. My classmate and best friend, Jim Ferron, on the other hand, had stayed off…

0 The fine art of hoarding

Dear Artist, The next edition of The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders is going to include the new category of “Hoarding” — no longer just a branch of OCD, it seems, but a distinct malaise. We all know…

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