Browsing: Letters

0 Stand up

Dear Artist, The mentally challenging nature of artistic activity may help avoid the inconvenience of early senility. I don’t know about you, but a steady diet of crossword puzzles to tune up the mind just doesn’t cut it for me.…

0 Step by step, a path

Dear Artist, Last Saturday night, Carol gave me a great big birthday party. Among the fourteen friends who spoke was my daughter Sara. Here, in part, is what she said: “I have a memory from my childhood, of walking with…

0 Guido Reni

Dear Artist, Late one night while travelling in Tuscany I found myself in a spooky old pension. The lady looked me over carefully before showing me to a dark upstairs room. Dog tired, I crashed into a sagging, musty bed,…

0 The art price mystery

Dear Artist, Yesterday, Mark Sharp of Invermere, B.C. wrote, “I was in a gallery looking at a large painting by a living artist. With no dramatic message or spiritual awakenings, it was just a really nice painting — and it…

0 A painting buddy

Dear Artist, Did you ever notice when you’re driving a car over familiar territory you can fail to notice high-profile landmarks such as tunnels, bridges or bypasses? Distracted by the car radio, fantasy, or in-car conversation, the miles can wind…

0 The unschooling of art

Dear Artist, “Unschooling” is an educational philosophy and practice that allows children to learn through natural life experiences. Play, games, fantasy, hobbies and social interaction are supposed to take the place of traditional schools. The theory is that current curricula…

0 Painting as tribute

Dear Artist, There are lots of reasons to paint. This morning’s inbox included about a dozen. They ranged from “spiritual need” to “$1800.00.” Another subscriber mentioned, “A nice memorial for my friend’s gerbil ‘Alice,’ who recently passed away.” After her…

0 Little bets

Dear Artist, In Peter Sims’ book, Little Bets: How Breakthrough Ideas Emerge from Small Discoveries, we see the value of making lots of small failures as a way to get to large successes. While Peter’s book is mainly aimed at…

0 The most challenging profession

Dear Artist, The other day Joe Blodgett and I were discussing what we might have done with our lives. We both thought if we’d become medical doctors we might have been of greater service to mankind. We agreed that putting…

0 Just for fun?

Dear Artist, Yesterday, Grey Darden of Valley Head, West Virginia wrote, “Do you ever just fool around experimenting with your paints, paper and tools? Just for fun? Not trying to stay on style? Would you ever ask subscribers if they…

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