Archived Comments
Enjoy the past comments below for The divided self…
Well there’s one for the synchronicity books. Bob writes about the various styles of procrastination while I’m engaging in my own version of painterly putting-off. Glazes. Thin glazes. Really, really, thin glazes. So thin as to be almost inconsequential. Ah the fear of actually laying down some thick paint that actually says something. But instead I’ll thin out another dollop of paint to a window like clarity and lay it on by waving my paintbrush at the canvas from a distance of not closer than 12 feet. [four meters metric]But at least I can claim I am doing something, not that I fool myself. We all know it’s just another way of procrastinating the inevitable need to actually PAINT!
My short-term self rules. There are so many things that call out to be done. My persistent nagging thought is: “Am I doing the absolute top priority activity at this very moment?
Love this article! To help out smart procrastination I list everything I need and want to do in a day. As it gets done, it get crossed out and if it isn’t crossed out by the end of the day it gets moved to the next day…. However, not giving in to the urge to procrastinate seems to be an on going battle.
There is no one, and I mean no one, that is better at finding things to do rather than getting started on a project than I am. I am the master. If there is a 24×36 canvas sitting on the easel, ready to go, I will find myself reorganizing my bookshelves. I don’t have a lake, but I do have a pond. That needs constant cleaning. Now about that canvas on the easel. Oh that’s right, I need to read and respond to Bob’s letter.
“It’s more a function of the selves within ourselves who are actually at war with one another.” RG letter Michael Kinsley, a former student of Schelling’s, summarizes Schelling’s Reorientation of Game Theory as follows: You’re standing at the edge of a cliff, chained by the ankle to someone else. You’ll be released, and one of you will get a large prize, as soon as the other gives in. How do you persuade the other guy to give in, when the only method at your disposal — threatening to push him off the cliff — would doom you both? Answer: You start dancing, closer and closer to the edge. That way, you don’t have to convince him that you would do something totally irrational: plunge him and yourself off the cliff. You just have to convince him that you are prepared to take a higher risk than he is of accidentally falling off the cliff. If you can do that, you win. Conservative vs. the Unconventional
Great: smart = likely to put things off, and who doesn’t want to be smart? (Excuse my intended faulty logic!) No, I’m making good headway in avoiding spending time being overwhelmed by images on the Web, which must have had procrastination as a side benefit. Thanks for more insights on the historic procrastination phenomenon, Bob. That it is historic, per Ainslie, is comforting, but I won’t be getting too comfortable with it. And, thankfully, I cannot clean the Atlantic Ocean.
Happy news for procrasty artists though; the subconscious does not indulge, only the conscious mind seeks diversion and entertainment. Meaning that at least on some level, we are still working on projects even while consciously avoiding. The internal dissonance of course produces a lot of stress which you simply cannot procrastinate with… it’s here now, eating at your sanity.
How timely your letter on procrastination proved to be for me and a loved one. My son is struggling to finish his PhD in Law at Durham University in England. As we all know, writing the dissertation is never easy, and his various Procrastinating Personas have been wreaking havoc with the process, and discouragement sometimes sets in like a long spell of gray weather (why not, it’s England after all). I have forwarded your comments in hopes it will give him a much-needed boost. I love the way you always leaven your advice with a big pinch of humor (OK, sometimes it is sarcasm) and your advice has helped me as a painter, not so much technically but more so on a spiritual level. In my mind, you are a mixture of a wily old fox and the Philosopher Painter. I hope you continue to write for a very long time.
You missed my favorite quote. “I don’t know what apathy means, and I could care less.”
The title of this letter really got my attention, because I have quite literally been divided, artistically speaking, for the past 4 1/2 years. I have been feeding my artistic inner being and draining my creative energies at the same time, by devoting time to developing and running a large art gallery and also continuing to build my own art career. I had a museum director tell me that my role as a gallery director was really shaping our region’s art community and that I should think about giving up my own art career, just as he had done years ago. I did seriously consider doing that, because running the gallery and helping so many other artists was extremely satisfying and gave me a wonderful sense of purpose and place. But ultimately my own art has won out. I am now in the process of closing my gallery, and even though this is a very bitter-sweet time, I can hardly wait to get to a point in my life when I can totally devote myself to pursuing my own art work! I know there will still be times that other demands will require my attention, but it will be good to have more freedom to at least schedule the timing of some of those activities and to be able to devote uninterrupted blocks of time to my work.
I’m Blanche’s husband. I read some of her mail because she has no self esteem as far as her painting and drawing ability so I try to convince her that she has some talent. When I read your letter saying Old Car Bob I had to send you this picture of my 1953 Ford I got last fall. I’ve been hoping she would do a work using it as a model. Yes, it is as nice an original old Ford as you probably will see around here. Anybody is welcome to use it as a model. Just contact Blanche at . At my age and with the cancer I’ve been fighting for 12 years The Ford is as exciting as a nude model to me.
Wow you have a lot of Bob’s, do they take sides and fight amongst themselves???? I’m curious as to why IQ has anything to do with procrastination…..or maybe the conclusion of the psychologist that smart people procrastinate is in fact a way of patting himself on the back while justifying HIS procrastination…lol.
I have nothing profound to say about this latest newsletter. I just feel moved to say thank you for doing what you do. I laughed out loud at the intro, which is a wonderful way to start my day.
To avoid procrastinating, I’m not going to respond to this letter, except to say it is so true! I must get back to labeling my spices now!
I’m fairly good at procrastinating (I think). BUT, when a planned job doesn’t get off the ground right away (as planned), you are doing something else. If procrastinating is putting off a planned event, what do we call the unplanned job that takes it’s place? Now I don’t feel so bad about all my planned jobs not getting done right away because I’m so busy doing all the things that aren’t on my list. I’m confused. LOL
Comforting to know we are all so much alike. Thank you for your weekly letters — they are often the nudge I need. :O)
And what about Airedale-loving Bob? A most worthy procrastination!
Are we squandering out time or are we just weaving a richer fabric? That said I see that those who are making work, making progress, are possibly making a variety of blankets to be admired by the world, quality fabrics that warm our souls. There really is no one way unless you are absolutely purpose driven. We awaken and contribute, sometimes silently and sometimes out loud. Our work is important, it can be our contribution, and star gazing may give a wider view. Thanks generous Bob! ;)
I have been receiving your twice-weekly letter for some time now, and I have to say they have been right on with where I am at lately. Its nice to know (as I am locked away in the studio day in and day out) I am not the only one with these mental wars going on, LOL!! Thanks! Very refreshing and insightful. This email is one more thing to do in my procrastination of my many deadlines…LOL!
Thanks, Robert, for NOT putting this topic aside for another time … it was a fun read and I couldn’t agree with you more. Although I am not a professional artist, I am a professional gallery owner/business women and appreciate your wisdom, wit and insights. Now I have to go alphabetize the liquor bottles in my cabinet and sort some paperclips.
I love your letters and find it fun to see you with your Airedale painting. I have Molly, my 6 year old Airedale, by my side daily. I would love some advice on how you are able to work next to your friend without having to chase squirrels, listen to him/her bark at all animals etc.?
Thank you for writing about all the stuff all of us artists think about all the time and never seem to get time to give wings to. Of course, I find some topics more relevant than others, but that just makes you all the more generous for providing the range of topics that you do. You have become an integral part of my life and I’m pleased to share it with you. It is good to know that I’m not alone in so many of my creative perambulations or, as some may have it, BS sessions.
OOPS! BTW, Bob, I wrote what I did in response to seeing the link of comments about your newsletter-rather than criticize, I wanted to state the fact that I do not take you for granted-not that I believe you should be nominated for sainthood, but just how good it is to have someone write about this weird aberration called art in such a down to earth, day to day manner.
I loved the “Zingers” I am also a great procrastinator. Spent the morning reading..all art related, and head for the studio when I know I only have a limited time for real light. Am I out of bounds trying to explore too many avenues of art? I want to do it all. I really look forward to all of your letters and set aside a time in the evening to read and reread all of the comments. Keep up the great work..a dictionary is some time a very good thing as you do use words that boggle some of our minds.
I decided that my procrastination issue is just my art-brain catching up to my analytical brain…when they sync, I paint! :) Here is a pod-cast for all the procrastinators out there…you can listen to it while you are procrastinating ;)
Attention deficit disorder is a terrible thing for an artist to have. The distractions exacerbate the procrastinations.
Interesting title – The divided self – possibly its more than just playful procrastination, which can be an endearing quality that keeps us connected to all kinds of things. Here’s what passed through this cranium wall of mine; sanity and madness. Don’t you ever wonder just a little, where exactly that line is drawn that separates the two ? I was twigged and followed up and found the following of interest and so pass it forward. Creativity and Irrational Forces: Eccentric Artists and Mad Scientist “Observations and beliefs produced during mild depression are closer to ‘reality’ than those produced in ‘normal’ states of mind. That this naked confrontation with reality should be accompanied with such a large dose of pain supports T.S. Eliots’ observation that “human kind cannot bear much reality.” ” “Poet Anne Sexton explained how she used pain in her work: “I guess I mean that creative people must not avoid the pain that they get dealt…. Hurt must be examined like a plague.” An honest encounter with pain can result in healing and growth. The healing properties of art are widely acknowledged across many cultures. Creative people can use their personal pain to help others find wholeness. Clearly our existence as a human community would be diminished without the “genius” responsible for scientific breakthrough and for what we respond to as great musical, literary, and visual works of art. If this genius sometimes grows up in suffering, it seems that the pain of a few is of benefit to all of us. “One goes down into the well and nothing protects one from the assault of the truth,” – Virginia Woolf
Yup, I can identify. I have the cleanest lake in town!!! I have paintings that I have procrastinated on for 10-20 years. Glad I did, my procrastination had to do with my insecurity at trying certain things with paint, i.e. painting fur or a hand, etc. Now that I have had more experience, I can do it far more easily, however, I took the paintings out but have not yet finished them and that was 1 year ago!!! LOL Thank you though for letting me know I am not alone in this idiosyncrasy. Somehow, that is very comforting.
Procrastination: pro- (forward) and crastinus (of tomorrow), and means “put off intentionally the doing of something that should be done” Is procrastination a habit of choice, or is it caused by a medical condition as was previously brought up by a fellow commenter? Impulse control, planning, and attention to detail is not what I would perceive as one of Robert Genn’s small suits – Procrastination has a following: fear of failure fear of the unknown fear of steps to be taken fear of the inability to follow through with a perfectly wonderful idea that is bigger than expect. Antidotes: Balance, intuition and success – gets the job done every time!
You have hit on a very enlightening description of many of us. While I find myself immediately paying bills and answering good friends E-mails, I find the dreamer/thinker in me does otherwise. I can plan an entire series complete with variations of color and theme, only in my head–and it is so complete I never have to do it. It would have been such a great series and it sold well, too. Not a total procrastinator, then, the other self returns to other creative activities that have been sitting around and need to be completed –some day, sooner than later for that next show. As you suggest, I need to get my divided self back on track. Washington DC
What a fantastic article! Not only have I discovered that I am supremely creative, I am intelligent, too! Although this reply should really be left to gel and possibly gather some dust (easily done with my housekeeping methods) it had better be off to you today. I have 103 selected e-mails that I MUST read—sometime in the future, and this article runs the risk of joining the others, thereby really proving your point.
Many years ago I attended a lecture you gave in Sidney British Columbia. At that time I did not know who you were, as I was from, and still am, Ontario. But, I did listen and pay attention, and now I do know who you are and I love your letters. They provide a lot of fodder for my brain on my morning walks. By the way, I like your dog – he/she is very stately, nothing like the Airedale I look after!
I am often aware of the many parts of myself and watch with great interest when one of them overrides the other. It’s sometimes quite a struggle to get back on course with something I know needs to be done and yet there are other things I’d much rather be doing. As an artist who has two halves to my career–portraits and landscapes–the war is often between doing the many steps required to get a portrait commission going and the more spontaneous action of working on my oil landscapes. Financially, it’s not possible for me to turn away all portrait commissions, nor would I entirely want to, but, oh the lure of those landscapes, even when I know there’s a deadline to meet. What I find works for me sometimes is stopping what I’m doing and talking to myself about what’s making it so hard to get the work done. If I can make the atmosphere a little more fun, like remembering to put on music I really like to sing along with, that sometimes turns off the reluctance. Another helpful step is promising myself that when I do the next few steps needed to get several commissions going, I can break for a day or two of solid landscape painting as a reward. Sometimes, once I get over the hump of starting, I get into the painting or drawing for a portrait and all reluctance flies out the window.
Recently heard the following quote from Dr. Phil, which I thought was apt for this subject: “The way to achieve inner peace is to finish all the things you have started and have never finished.”
“There’s nothing to it but to do it.” (A.E. Beasley, 1986)
With all due respect Ms. Sandra, but me thinks Dr. Phil is trying to drum up business. Can you imagine the stress in trying to finish all the things you’ve started but never finished for the sake of inner peace? When would it ever end? — and then there’s the “nothing new gets started” syndrome because you’re too busy trying to finish up.
Jolene Monheim contributed a poem by Jeni Couzyn – House of Changes – which I found somewhat of a comfort.
I’ve always been a procrastinator. Sometimes when I have a really productive streak I think I’ve overcome it but then there I am again, fiddling around with aimless projects while the real work waits unfinished. However, I am beginning to suspect it serves a purpose. Because I am so disorganized I find I keep on day after day in my studio, trying to complete those endless lists and “catch up” from all my dithering. But what happens when I just take a day off and do nothing much? If I can allow myself such a luxury guilt-free I find such a day (or two) is followed with a period of focused productivity. So maybe that sense of unwillingness to buckle down is really the message I need a real break. I’m testing this tomorrow by being a real slug and doing nothing whatsoever!
Bob- you’re too nice. Probably why everybody mostly likes you. But for a PG rating I’m sure- you left out sexual Bob- cause that self is a huge part of all of us- and can’t be denied. Our creative energy is profoundly similar to sexual energy. (And no I don’t care how old you are.) I’ve got an outraged Bruce- and a tell-them-the-truth Bruce even though you know it will piss them off- as well as a kiss-my-ass Bruce. Hate me if you will- I don’t care. We are in a time of such great change that it is possible to do the personal work we all need to do- simply for our own sanity- in an insane world that still believes in war- and change our own personal paradigm by becoming an INTEGRATED SELF. First I integrated all my this-lifetime selves- both male and female- and then I found that as I worked further on and with the SELF- I started to integrate all my other-lifetime selves as well. And no- I’m not actually schizophrenic- but there’s a whole lotta folk in here… I’m about to let that self out- publicly- and we’ll see how that all goes! Letting work rest as needed is not a criminal act. When we ‘procrastinate’ we’re putting a negative spin on it. I’ve said this before- procrastination is really a going into resistance- at a physical, emotional, mental or spiritual level- and you have to heal and/or release and/or simply allow the resistance to dissipate in order to move through it. Learning to complete is essential to this process. My personal end result? I’ve got a lot of signed work. And a lot of work that is constructed but not finished. But it’s ready to go. And a lot of other work in progress. These are all very good things. Stop the wasting of time being an acceptable thing. And stop working when you need to.
Great letter on procrastination–just now got around to reading it. I was going to read it away, but I decided to wait until I had put in some studio time instead.
“Procrastinators are the painters of tomorrow.”
I used to be a big procrastinator. That stopped abruptly after a friend of mine (younger than I) suddenly died. That event changed me profoundly. It’s as if a time waster switch got flipped off in my brain. I think it’s the fear of death that’s chasing after me. Memories of my procrastination are pleasant, as remembering that safety cocoon of oblivion when I felt invincible. I recently went to a craft store and bought bunch of craft materials which I know I will never have the time to use — felt great, like a kid, or like a therapy.
One of my favorites of yours ever. Thank you!
Procrastination is one hot topic! But I love the pictures of Bob painting at the boat yard. So much the gentleman in his little hotrod. And the ever present and patient pooch. He makes it look so effortless……for him, I suppose it is, he has done it for so long. I love the way he sketched in the darks and lights, as he describes……..will try that, too! (When I get around to it…:)
Glad to see you still have Airedales! Your Airedale was what made me pay attention to your work a long time ago! OOPS, the work was important, too! Love the photos of the two of you in your little red car. Susan Graham
I’ve found that the best way for me to break out of procrastination is to put everything in my studio away. Brushes, palettes, paint, canvas. It drives me nuts until I can mess it up again and have two or three paintings going.
I’ve read and found many of these comments insightful and amusing…however, there are SO many, I’m going to read them later…now I have to paint.
One more thing. My father was a going to be a founding member of the Procrastinators’ Club, but he never got around to it. This was one of the best letters and exchanges I have read yet!
As much as I enjoyed your letter, Robert, I really loved all the replies to it. Thanks everyone for aiding and abetting this procrastinator!
Check out this youtube video about “getting my stuff done.” Enjoy!
Robert, I don’t know if you read this far down but your boats picture is one of the best I’ve seen from you. All design elements are at work here and is lesson for all. Your color, pattern and execution are spot on with this one. I generally feel your work has been getting too “cookie cutter”; “fill in the squares” lately, but this picture gets my applause. Hoorah!
Dear Robert, I have really been enjoying your letters. The wisdom and especially the tips on how to ‘think’ about art are invaluable. But you won my heart when you started showing yourself painting plein aire with your dog..What a great art companion
Dear helpful/lazy Bob, I remember long ago reading a quote from Gertrude Stein that artists simply need more time than others to sit and stare at the wall and how reassuring I found it to know that it wasn’t just me but naval watching without constructive action does not an artwork make so it is, as you so aptly describe, a perpetual process of recycling our “selves” in the most beneficial way….(adjective mutually complicates the process exponentially and requires sorting out…this comment is for analytical bob) which is an art form unto itself. Thanks helpful bob for sharing.
I will now be calling procrastination “incubation” :) Thought this was a really good article and wanted to share: DEMYSTIFYING THE CREATIVE PROCESS “He who trims himself to suit everyone will soon whittle himself away” -Raymond Hull
As always your letters and the comments are worth saving (and/or savoring the anticipation of the next book!) Thanks!


The Back Bay
acrylic painting by Bob McPartlin, BC, Canada
I am in awe of your watercolor! So lovely.