Search Results: l (2707)

Letters Untitled (Your Body is a Battleground), 1989
Photographic silkscreen on vinyl
112 x 112 inches
by Barbara Kruger (b. 1945)
As well as being an accomplished visual artist, Kruger has had a distinguished career as Head Designer at Condé Nast, wrote columns for Artforum and taught at U.C. Berkeley.

Dear Artist, Yesterday, my friend Chuck Putnins, whose other life is anesthesiology, wrote, “Next year…

Letters Los Tres Músicos
Acrylic on canvas
20 x 16 inches
by Alexis Ramos Mejia

Dear Artist, Yesterday Alexis Ramos wrote, “I’m impressed that you’ve worked as an artist full…

Letters Six works by six artists used to illustrate Jerry Saltz's article, "Zombies on the Walls: Why Does So Much New Abstraction Look the Same?" for New York Magazine, June 17, 2014.

Dear Artist, “Zombie Formalism” is a catch-all term for that palatable and interchangeable abstraction seen…

Letters L'Atelier Paul Cézanne at Bastide du Jas de Bouffan, Aix-en-Provence, where the artist worked from 1880 until his death in 1906.

Dear Artist, A friend’s high schooler recently mentioned she was working on a still life…

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